You must also aim to correct poor posture with your exercise regimen. As a matter of fact, posture generally dictates the design of my training programs. It is absolutely crucial to train in perfect posture since the body adapts the posture that you train in when performing similar movements outside of the gym.(2) For instance, if you round your back and poke your head forward when performing an overhead press in the gym, guess what's going to happen when you try to place that heavy dish on a high shelf? Next time, try placing a bean bag (you know the ones that kids play with at school; you can easily make one by filling a sac with popcorn kernels and sewing it shut) on your head when you perform that overhead press. In the past, girls were told to practice walking while balancing a book on their head. You can apply the same line of thinking to the gym by balancing a bean bag on your head while working out. This will force you to maintain an erect posture.
Oversized Bean Bag
You must be patient in your quest for improved posture. To your nervous system, it takes approximately 300 repetitions to form a new skill; however, it takes more than 5000 repetitions to reformulate a skill.(2) In other words, it takes a long time to break bad habits! Eventually, though, you can transform your old posture but only with lots of practice! It is well known that proper posture will protect you from injury in the gym(2,4) and will increase performance.(1,2) Also, women who have had caesarean sections will need to retrain the deep abdominal wall muscles (transversus abdominus) to activate effectively.(3) Therefore, corrective exercises must aim to strengthen the long, weak muscles, and stretch the short, tight muscles.(2,3)
Note: I recently read a column on the internet that recommends strengthening your chest and upper abdominal muscles by performing presses and crunches respectively to improve your posture.(2,6) This is faulty advice that will further encourage muscular imbalances and result in even poorer posture because a) the stronger and tighter your chest muscles become, the more your shoulders will round forward, and b) the stronger and tighter your upper abdominals become, the more you will slouch. Instead, aim to strengthen your lower abdominals and back muscles while stretching out your upper abdominals and chest muscles. If your posture is poor, improper strength training can actually accelerate your body's breakdown.(4)
In order to influence the postural muscles with exercise, you should hold static (isometric) contractions.(2) I recommend starting with five second holds in the contracted position and working up to ten seconds over a period of time. You should perform 10-12 repetitions per exercise and progress by adding 1 second to each repetition every week. When you can comfortably complete a set for a full two minutes (12 reps x 10 seconds per rep = 120 seconds), then it is time to make the exercise more difficult (i.e. add more weight where applicable, extend your arms or legs further out, or move on to a different exercise.) Stretches should be held for a minimum of 15 seconds. Remember to breathe while stretching (you won't believe how many people forget to do this) and do not bounce or jerk! Here is a list of strengthening and stretching exercises for you to perform on a daily basis.
Strengthening Exercises:
1. Pelvic Tilts
2. Prone Cobra
3. Abdominal Vacuum
4. Cervical Retraction
5. Split Squat
6. Bent-Over Lateral Raise
7. Seated Arm External Rotation
Stretching Exercises:
1. Chest Stretch
2. Wrist Stretch
3. Calf Stretch
4. Abdominal Stretch
5. Hip Flexor Stretch
6. Hamstring Stretch